ServiceNow releases are named after popular cities. This city-based naming pattern will be adopted by ServiceNow from 2011. Before that from 2007 till 2011 ServiceNow was naming ServiceNow versions named after seasons (later months) for e.g., summer 2007, fall 2007, summer 2008 etc. ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform which releases are twice yearly version upgrades. The intent is to improve the overall performance of the ServiceNow platform, the upgrades are typically related to new modules, new custom applications, enhancement and as well as fixes for existing products.
Table of Content:
List of All ServiceNow Version or Releases
List of Upcoming ServiceNow Release
How to Upgrade ServiceNow Version?
How to find current ServiceNow Instance Version?
List of ServiceNow Version or Release till date (Latest to previous releases):
Vancouver (Quarter 2 - 2024) (Currently Latest Available Release)
Utah (Quarter 2 - 2023)
Tokyo (Quarter 4 - 2022)
San Diego (Quarter 2 -2022)
Rome (Quarter 3 -2021)
Quebec (Quarter 1-2021)
Paris (Quarter 3 - 2020)
Orlando (2020)
New York (2019)
Madrid (2019)
London (2018)
Kingston (2018)
Jakarta (2017)
Istanbul (2017)
Helsinki (2016)
Geneva (2015)
Fuji (2015)
Eureka (2014)
Dublin (2013)
Calgary (2013)
Berlin (2012)
Aspen (2011) (Start From)
Upcoming ServiceNow Releases:
Vancouver (Quarter 3 - 2023)
Washington (Quarter 1 - 2024)
Check Current ServiceNow Instance Version:
To check the current version of your ServiceNow instance, one of the way is to use as mentioned below:
and another way is:
In left side filter navigator type stats --> Under System Diagnostics --> Click on stats
Upgrade ServiceNow Version of your instance:
Upgrading the ServiceNow instance to a newer version requires planning, testing and validation. It is important to stay on the latest version of ServiceNow release so that you can take full advantage of the new capabilities, products and you can maintain the highest level of performance, availability and security.
Below are the few phases for upgrade process that you should take care while upgrading your ServiceNow instance to latest ServiceNow Version:
Phase 1: Plan
1. Perform impact analysis by reading release notes. (Release
notes are provided by ServiceNow in each and every release)
2. Evaluate the customization you have done in your current ServiceNow
3. Identify potential threats with the new upgrade.
4. Know if any existing feature is replaced by a new feature
5. Create test plan
Phase 2: Prepare
1. If something went wrong then, so for that we have to prepare
first right. So, create a system clone of your production instance.
2. Take Backup of IN Progress development work to avoid data
3. Update the test suite/ test cases before upgrade. Either testing performed manually or through ATF's
Phase 3: Schedule your upgrade in lower instance (non-production instance)
1. Upgrade can be scheduled using “HI” ticket and an upgrade monitor will be helpful to track the start/end time and duration of the upgrade and check the process of upgradation.
Phase 4: Review upgrade
Let’s say if some changes were made on out of the box items. Then in this phase we can review skipped updates and decide to either retain the customization or revert to base configuration or merge both.
Phase 5: Test and validate.
Regression testing and UAT has to be done in this phase of the instance which is upgraded in above phase.
Phase 6: Review and Fix Issues
Review and fix issues discovered during testing and communicate the upgrade to the stakeholders and consumers. Prepare to upgrade your production instance.
Phase 7: Go for Production upgrade.
1. I believe we all know that when our production instance uses
is very minimum or if not then please analyze time when your production
instance is used minimum, that is the time we can schedule production instance
upgrade (for e.g., weekends, weekend night timings etc.) Upgrade can be
scheduled using “HI” ticket and an upgrade monitor will be helpful to track the
start/end time and duration of the upgrade and check the process of
2. After validating that your production instance upgrade was complete. Apply required update sets and fix scripts and perform post-upgrade user acceptance testing.
for more information related to above ServiceNow upgrade topic you can also refer "ServiceNow Docs".
We hope all the information shared above related to service version upgrade and latest ServiceNow releases will be helpful for you. Feel free to comment below if you more information related to this ServiceNow upgrades, ServiceNow versions etc. or any other ServiceNow topic.